sections in the article
This article describes how to create a Field Set. Start with reading What is a Field Set? before continuing with this article.
How to create a FieldSet
Note: You need to have admin access to inriver Control Center to create a field set. Read Accessing inriver Control Center on how to get access after receiving approval from your system admin.
A Fieldset can be created either from the entity type level:
Or directly from the Fieldset section:
Both actions bring us to the same section, where we can set the Fieldset's ID and name, and choose which entity should the field set be available for (dropdown list):
How to assign a FieldSet to a field
Once the fieldset is created, we can now assign it to our selected field type by going to its properties and selecting the Fieldset from the dropdown list:
If we only want the field type to be shown on entites associated with the fieldset, we want to check the Exclude from Default View option (see more info: Field Type Properties). If the option is not checked, the field will always be shown. Normally when using fieldsets, this option should be checked.
(Good to know: fields that don't belong to any fieldsets are considered global, and will always be displayed.)
The overview of fields included in our Field Set can be checked here:
How to delete a FieldSet
To delete a fieldset, head on to the Fieldset section and click Delete next to the selected section:
Sorting order of FieldSets
Fieldsets are sorted by FieldSet ID, which you set when creating it. These can not be edited.
Good to know
- Currently you can only apply one Fieldset on one Entity.
- Mandatory fields are currently not supported with Fieldsets, please see: Allow for mandatory fields controlled by FieldSets
Further reading
Field set
Model: Field sets
FieldSet (API)
Working with FieldSet
REST API: Can I add a FieldSet to an entity with CreateEntity?
Now in december 2022, still not possible ?? Any update on this ?
Could it be possible to list data type next to the choices under included and Excluded fields? In cases where you have two Fields named the same but two different data types, it is not possible to see what is what. E.g Material (data type CVL) and Material (data type string).
Also in regards to the sorting of the included fields and also the created Field Sets - I would like to be able to change the sorting, preferably to alphabetically, so it is easier to navigate and find what you are looking for. Could alphabetical sorting or the option to have it be implemented?
These all sound like great feature requests. In the mean time for assigning the fields with the same field name, you can assign fieldsets within the field type page so you can be sure you are assigning the CVL field and string field to the correct field types.
Actual fieldset sorting within the front end drop down is done alphabetically, but based on the fieldset ID not the name, so just ensure the fieldset IDs are named accordingly knowing they will be sorted alphabetically.
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