sections in the article
This article explains how you create a new content store and adjust its settings in the Content Store back end.
Only users with an assigned administrator role can access the Content Store backend in the Web Portal.
Setting up a new inriver Content Store
To create a new content store
Do the following:
- Navigate to Web Portal > Content Store
Here you can set up, delete, and manage your Content Store sites.
- Click +Create Content Store
A new content store is created.
- Configure the content store details:
- Channel
- Data transfer configuration
- Excluded entity types
- For entity type
- Excluded field types
- Searchable field types
- MultiSearch field
- Filter field types
- Excluded link types
- Languages
- Resource format
- Renaming fields
- File output naming
- Name
- Default entity types
- HTML templates
- CSV separator
- Background color
- Text color
- Logo image
- Advanced
To use Content Store, always include the Channel and Channel Node entity types. An administrator will not be able to set up the Content Store otherwise.
A Channel must only be associated with one Content Store. The settings within the relationship will not work if a Channel is associated with multiple Content Stores.
Using a different approach in a design is not supported.
Configuring the Content Store details
Below is a list of the details you need to set up in the backend when creating a new content store.
Select a channel from the dropdown menu. Note that the channel has to be published and contain channel nodes with entities for anything to be visible in the content store where your users log in.
Data transfer configuration
Set up what data you want to make available on your content store site.
Excluded entity types
Allows you to exclude entity types from being displayed on your content store site. You may, for example, want to show products and items, but not tasks. Check the checkbox for the entity types you don't want to display.
To use Content Store, always include the Channel and Channel Node entity types. An administrator will not be able to set up the Content Store otherwise.
For entity type
Allows you to select an entity type that is available for viewing in the content store. For example, select Product to define and set up the Product entity type for viewing.
Excluded field types
Where you select the fields you do not wish to display on the content store site. Fields that may be relevant to you but not to your retailer can be excluded here.
Searchable field types
Display the fields that were not excluded in the Excluded field types field. You can use this to select which fields a user should be able to perform a search on. The fewer fields you choose, the faster the search will be.
MultiSearch field
Allows you to select a field that you can use to make multiple searches at the same time. For example, if you have selected Product Number as your multi-search field, you can search for several specific product numbers at the same time, as long as they are separated using the CSV separator defined in the Settings for this content store.
Search string example: 12345;56789;90123;34567 This search will show four entities in your search result view.
Filter field types
Allow you to select which fields are displayed in the top menu in the Content Store front end. The fields can be used to filter the content, making it easier for Content Store users to select a part of the assortment in a content store.
Read about how to configure filtering field types in this article.
Excluded link types
You cannot exclude Channel and Channel Node links, as this will disrupt the display of entities.
Where you select which data languages that should be visible on the content store site.
Resource format
Where you select which Image Configuration to use for catalogs and downloads on the content store site.
Renaming fields
Where you can create a mapping for the display name on a particular field of a selected entity type.
For example, if you have a field called "Market" on your Product entity type, but you want to display "Country" on the content store site instead
Do the following:
- In Web Portal > Content Store > Data transfer configuration, click the Edit icon next to Rename fields.
The Edit pop-up appears.
- Click +Create new mapping.
- Select entity type and select which field you want to give a different name. Enter the field name you want to change to and click Create.
- Click Save on the pop-up
Your changes are saved.
File output naming
Allows you to modify the name of the output folder and file. The name is concatenated, using entity type fields, and delimited using one of the predefined characters.
It is possible to have a maximum of five field types in the concatenated name.
For example, if you want to change the name of the output files
Do the following:
- In the Web Portal > Content Store > File output naming, click the Edit icon next to Configure file output naming.
- In the Edit pop-up, select an entity type from the drop-down list.
- Click Add field type for either Filename or Folder name.
- It's possible to create the file and folder output names at the same time.
- Select one field from the drop-down list.
- Click Save to save your changes.
Where you can edit the name of the content store, for example, in case the name is misspelled or unclear.
Default entity types
Where you check the entity types you want to display per default on your content store site. Default entity types appear automatically when you search and you have to deselect it if you don't want the system to search for that particular entity type. Typically, only one entity type is selected in this field, for example, Product.
HTML templates
Where you select which HTML templates to use for a particular content store site. The HTML templates generate the PDF files you can download from the content store site, for example, they make it possible for your retailers to create customized catalogs.
You have to create the content store site first, then go to Control Center > HTML Templates to enable the HTML templates you want to use for that content store. Read more about Content Store HTML Templates in this article
CSV separator
Where you define the character you want to use as a separator between field values in a CSV file. You can choose between Semicolon, Comma, Pipe, Tab, and Space.
If you plan on opening the CSV file in Excel, then you should always use Semicolon (;) for content stores in EMEA and Comma (,) for USA.
Background color
Where you define, in HEX format, the background color of the header areas and structure areas. Example: #336699 or #44ffcc
Text color
Where you define the color of the text that lies on the Background Color. Example: #ffffff or #2b2b2b
Logo image
Where you can upload an image, often your company's logotype or similar. The image will be displayed as an icon in the upper left corner of the content store site. Note that the file size of the image can be a maximum of 1024kb. It is preferable that you use a .png image with a transparent background.
Where you configure the system to export structured SKU data from an entity into fields in the CSV export file. Content Store supports structured SKU data in the same formats as Syndicate does, read more in this article.
Add the name of the FieldTypeId in your elastic data model that holds the SKU data in the SKU field type and the tag names you want to export in the SKU output fields. If there are multiple fields, separate the fields you add with a semicolon.
The SKU fields will only be visible when exporting data to a ZIP file. Example: SKU Field type: "ItemSKU", SKU output fields: "ItemEAN;ItemSize". It is also possible to change each SKU field output name by setting the SKU output fields to: "ItemEAN=EAN;ItemSize=Size", no spaces in the new names though.
Note that the fully structured SKU field cannot be excluded from the fields to Content Store, and will be visible when opening the product or item in the UI.
You can also click Edit custom code to personalize each content store with custom scripts. Read more in this article.
Control Center Settings
By default when a new Field Type, Entity Type or Link Type is added to the model, it is automatically included in the Content Stores. This behaviour can be overridden using Control Center settings.
- EXCLUDE_NEW_ENTITYTYPES_FROM_CONTENTSTORES = TRUE -> New EntityType excluded from all Content Stores
- EXCLUDE_NEW_FIELDTYPES_FROM_CONTENTSTORES = TRUE -> New FieldType is excluded from all Content Stores
- EXCLUDE_NEW_LINKTYPES_FROM_CONTENTSTORES = TRUE -> New LinkType is excluded from all Content Stores
- EXCLUDE_NEW_ENTITYTYPES_FROM_CONTENTSTORES = FALSE -> New EntityType is excluded from all Content Stores
- EXCLUDE_NEW_FIELDTYPES_FROM_CONTENTSTORES = FALSE -> New FieldType is excluded from all Content Stores
- EXCLUDE_NEW_LINKTYPES_FROM_CONTENTSTORES = FALSE -> New LinkType is excluded from all Content Stores
To maintain backward compatibility in server settings, the following logic is applied to EXCLUDE_NEW_FIELDTYPES_FROM_CONTENTSTORES:
- When a user adds a new Field Type, the setting is validated.
- Setting is absent or set to FALSE - behaviour remains unchanged.
- Setting is TRUE - new Field Type is excluded from all Content Stores.
Further reading
Sorting the cart in inriver Content Store
Accessing inriver Content Store
Personalizing an inriver Content Store with custom scripts
Publications in inriver Content Store
Setting up inriver Syndicate to work with structured SKU data
I have a question about searchable field types. I have limited the searchable field types to just one field. However the search bar still seems to search on the entities display name and display description as well. How come? Is that intended behavior?
Why it is written that it is forbidden to link 2 content store to the same channel on the community page above, while in the content store configuration i got this :
I've been wondering this myself as well 😊 I would recommend against linking 2 content stores as it completely breaks some functionality. It's the same with some special characters in field and cvl keys. Control center allows it while the documentation says they are forbidden. Again go with the documentation here as deviating from it seems to break some functionality.
One reasoning to this could be that some parts still work, but not everything. Which is true, but would be nice to have clarified
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