Setting up an inriver Content Store

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    Martin Lindgren

    I have a question about searchable field types. I have limited the searchable field types to just one field. However the search bar still seems to search on the entities display name and display description as well. How come? Is that intended behavior?

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    Antoine Demeusy


    Why it is written that it is forbidden to link 2 content store to the same channel on the community page above, while in the content store configuration i got this :

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    Martin Lindgren

    I've been wondering this myself as well 😊 I would recommend against linking 2 content stores as it completely breaks some functionality. It's the same with some special characters in field and cvl keys. Control center allows it while the documentation says they are forbidden. Again go with the documentation here as deviating from it seems to break some functionality.

    One reasoning to this could be that some parts still work, but not everything. Which is true, but would be nice to have clarified


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