Karin Björnbäck
Product Owner at inriver
- Total activity 176
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Recent activity by Karin Björnbäck-
Hi Anette Olofsson, I think the feature you describe has not yet been deployed to all of our stacks. Its currently deployed to the US-stack and will be deployed to the EU-stack shortly. Sorry for t...
Hi Simon Turcotte, Cindy Van De Water & Terje Rätsepp, We have now corrected the issue with not seeing what entity is opened. The selected entity card is now showing with a blue layover so you shou...
Terje Rätsepp Absolutely! We are looking into it right now!
Hi Simon Turcotte & Cindy Van De Water, We have realized this issue and will look into finding a solution for this so that you should be able to see which entity that is opened. The intention of th...
Hi Måns Sjögren, We are a bit behind on the documentation side so I can see that it has not yet been added to the correct page. This is the server setting you should add to get the field set list s...
Hi Aaron Jestrab, to clarify this will only occur that leading or trailing spaces will be removed when you copy a text into an empty string or local string field. You will still be able to enter a ...
As an editor working in the PIM you will now have the field sets to be ordered in a relevant way, so that you can more easily find the Field set that you want to select. As complementary informa...
Hi Srini Kaila, there is a new setting added to control if the fieldtypeid should be visible after the field name. We will add this to the documentation shortly but here is the setting to use if yo...
Hi Frank Hancock, I asked one of our developers behind this new functionality and this was the guidance from him: Linked entities should be grouped per link type. Please modify the request body to...
Hi Roy Eriksson & Tobias Månsson, It's now possible to create "top nodes" via the Remoting API again and we have reverted the change that prevented this. For the future we will investigate if this...