May 6th - May 7th, 2023 / Release notes

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    Per Bolmstedt | Kodexe ☕ seems unavailable. Or is it just me? :)

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    Cindy Van De Water

    Nope, Same here. Can't read it.

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    Henrik Grönvold

    Me neither :/

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    Tomas Bylander


    Apologize for this, can you please try again?

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    Henrik Grönvold

    Tomas Bylander
    Now we're good! :)

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    Tomas Bylander

    Thank you for fast feedback!

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    Cindy Van De Water

    It works. Thanks

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    David Kraft
    PIMpoint 2023 Americas

    Any word on whether Extension Message Filtering will be included, or has this been pushed out further?  It was mentioned in Chicago that this would be part of this release.

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    Tomas Bylander

    Hi David!

    The implementation of the extension message filtering is done but due to the high-risk nature of such a feature and since the implementation of this feature has corresponding changes in multiple parts of the service, the complete roll-out will take several weeks. This release contained some parts of the implementation, the next release will be contain some parts and so on. More information will come.

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    David Kraft
    PIMpoint 2023 Americas

    Great, thanks for the update Tomas!

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    Frank Hancock

    The REST Upsert addition is a tremendous addition. One question I have, I noticed this while testing.

    When performing links, are you able to perform linking and unlinking action under the same entity?
    When trying this out, neither linking nor unlinking was performed when including both actions, but still receive a 200 response:

       "entityTypeId": "Resource",
       "keyFieldTypeIds": [
       "fieldValues": [
           "ResourceFilename", "test.jpg"
       "links": [
           "linkTypeId": "ItemResource",
           "entities": [
               "entityTypeId": "Item",
               "keyFieldTypeIds": [
               "fieldValues": [
                 ["ItemID", "Item Test ID 1"]
           "linkTypeId": "ItemResource",
    "staleLinkAction": "Unlink",
           "entities": [
               "entityTypeId": "Item",
               "keyFieldTypeIds": [
               "fieldValues": [
                ["ItemID", "Item Test ID 2"]
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    Karin Björnbäck
    First Responder

    Hi Frank Hancock
    I asked one of our developers behind this new functionality and this was the guidance from him: 

    Linked entities should be grouped per link type. Please modify the request body to something like this:

    Hope this will help you! 

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    Frank Hancock

    Hi Karin Björnbäck,

    My questioned pertained to doing a link AND unlink of the same link type for the same entity under a single request. It appears that it's not possible at the moment. So for now, I will relegate it to two separate requests.

    The grouping advice is helpful, I'll be sure to follow that form when submitting future payloads. 


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    Tomas Bylander

    Further guidance from our developer:

    If you want to unlink "Item Test ID 2" you should simply omit it from the entities array for the ItemResource link type. The setting "staleLinkAction": "Unlink" will unlink any existing link that is NOT supplied in the entities array.

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    Micah Jank
    • Please note that input validation for HTML templates is enforced - restricted strings are system.iowwroot and stacktrace. Uploading an HTML template containing these strings will trigger a "Not Acceptable" error. This validation will be enforced via Remoting API soon as well.

    Can you explain the reasoning behind this? We have React builds that are output as single html files and contain "prepareStackTrace" references in the final output. This causes the html templates to give the validation error.

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    Tomas Bylander

    Micah Jank Hi, we have learned that this change caused some problems for a small subset of HTML templates with minified code with references to stacktrace and we are reevaluating this change.

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    Erik Strandberg
    Conversation Starter

    Have to chime in that we're having the exact same issue with basically all of our templates delivered to customers, we're currently unable to redeploy those with fixes, they're all having issues with the stacktrace word blacklisting which seems... a bit silly.

    We have another html template under development that will reference the word "Stacktrace" not just in code but in the GUI as part of a troubleshooting step / developer contact card.

    Nevertheless happy to see that it's being re-evaluated and am hoping for an update soon...

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    Tomas Bylander

    Hi Erik,

    Since there has been push-back on this from several customers, I have gone ahead and reverted the initial change and will leave it like this during the investigation to determine at which level we can realistically restrict the use of certain keywords in the templates.

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    Erik Strandberg
    Conversation Starter

    Hey Tomas,

    Much appreciated and cheers for the fast follow-up!


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