October 1th - October 2th, 2022 / Release notes

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    Srini Kaila

    Is BETA change to support user creation using Rest API available for everyone? What should we to participate in that if it is not open.

    Is there any documentation available?

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    Emilia Nilsson
    business solutions architect

    Hi Srini Kaila

    This seems like an issue that would require further investigation - may I ask you to create a support ticket and provide the customer name and details in it?

    Kind regards,

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    Marcus Jacobsson

    Is the swagger docs really updated with the manage extensions / packages methods? I cant seem to find them.


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    Marcus Jacobsson

    And these release notes states that the swagger docs should have been updated with that information, hence my question

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    Tobias Månsson
    inriver champion

    Breaking change in the deploy.

    If you used version 1.0.1 of the POST fetchdata method, you need to downgrade again to 1.0.0 

    Not working: https://<cluster-specific-url>.productmarketingcloud.com/api/v1.0.1/entities:fetchdata 

    Working: https://<cluster-specific-url>.productmarketingcloud.com/api/v1.0.0/entities:fetchdata 

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    Mark Stuart-Walker

    There is mention about about v1.0.1 above yet the website shows v1.0.0. Is 1.0.1 in BETA release?


    Swagger https://api-prod1a-euw.productmarketingcloud.com/swagger/ui/index#/Channel 

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    Srini Kaila

    I managed to setup new permission for User Provision and use API call to add user.

    However, when I add user using the API, I do not see that user added to Control Center and user is also unable to unable to logon.

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    Emilia Nilsson
    business solutions architect

    Hi Srini Kaila,

    The API for User is to provision a user in order to synchronize SAML accounts across systems, and not add an actual user to inriver. The use case for this is to provision users in a single sign-on situation, where it otherwise would get the default role only once they log in and role re-assignment would be done ad-hoc.

    The Swagger documentation will give you a bit more insight into what it does: https://api-prod1a-euw.productmarketingcloud.com/swagger/ui/index#!/System/System_ProvisionUser 

    Kind regards,

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    Srini Kaila

    Hi Emilia Nilsson, we have SSO activated and the user is authenticating through SSO when trying to logging in to inriver. However, they see "Unexpected Error". They are not seeing the access of "default" role.

    When I used Provision User method, I also supplied the Segment ID and the Role name that is supposed to be assigned to that user.

    Now, if I call GET method to inquire on that user, I see inriver response with correct Segment ID and Role Name (as I gave in Provision User call originally). 

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    Srini Kaila

    Thanks Emilia Nilsson
    I submitted a ticket already (#50568) after my initial comment. 

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    Pål Christian Odlo
    Conversation Starter

    Its stated that the beta docs are only in PDF format and as a Postman collection


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    Steve Vink
    business solutions architect
    Word Weaver
    PIMpoint 2023 Americas
    First Responder

    Hi Marcus,

    I will forward your comment to the development team, and see if we can include these in the Swagger documentation.



    Steve Vink
    Principal Business Solutions Architect


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