sections in the article
This article provides a quick introduction to the Print 2.0 user interface and the various functionalities it provides for your printed publications.
What is Print 2.0
Print 2.0 is the updated version of our Print offering, accessible directly from your inriver dashboard. It allows you to configure and transform data used for printed publications quickly. Print connects with Adobe InDesign, using the 65bit EasyCatalog plugin, enabling your graphic design team to access the latest, approved files, images, and data directly from inriver.
What does Print 2.0 look like
The interface is divided into four areas:
- The navigation menu on the left allows you to move between different modules. Each module serves a separate Print operation.
- The main area changes depending on the module you are currently on.
- The Tenant drop-down on the top allows you to switch between different tenants. This is available only if you have multiple tenants for multiple clients.
- Clicking on the user name on the top right allows you to change your password and log out of the platform.
Print 2.0 by module
The Dashboard contains quick access to the modules, with a short description and quick access to information on using and configuring Print.
Any publication you have made available to Print can be found in Source.
In the Source module, you can
- access parents of displayed content using navigation breadcrumbs.
- search for entities by typing their name.
- reload entities.
- see the number of linked relations and any resources linked to a specific entity.
Read more about the Source module in Print 2.0.
In the Configuration module you can create a publication data set. Based on the output you can configure and compile which fields to contain in your set, using filters and formulas.
You can create new configurations using floating model options, or update older configurations.
In the Configuration module, you can
- create new configurations.
- determine the entity level for your publication dataset.
- use wildcards in fields when looking for data with child or parent relations.
- apply filters to fields.
- apply formulas to compile the data.
Read more about the Configuration module in Print 2.0.
If you have access to table configurations, you can access them here.
The Prints module is where you combine your Print configuration with your inriver data source, to create an .xml file in the desired languages.
In the Prints module, you can
- create a new print.
- edit a print.
- access the .xml file of a print.
Read more about the Prints module in Print 2.0.
Using the Users module you can create new users with specific user roles or update the role of current users.
See Setting up user roles and other permissions for Print 2.0 to learn more.
Add-on modules
Print 2.0 add-on modules will only be available if your organization has purchased the add-on functionality.
Configuration (for tables)
Similarly to creating a new configuration, you can use the Configuration module to add a table configuration in any existing configuration. This allows you to reuse the configuration for multiple publications, instead of having to remake the table every time.
In the Configuration module, you can
- choose the configuration.
- choose the formatting, including custom formatting by saving a .dll file in the Control Center.
- choose and preview the table orientation.
See How to add a table configuration in Print 2.0 to learn more.
File Import
In the File Import module, you can upload an external .csv file and connect it to your inriver data.
Inriver is your single point of truth, but you may still need to upload files with information that doesn't typically go in inriver, such as pricing or promotional information.
In the File Import module, you can
- drag and drop .csv files.
- give a new name and a description to the files.
- choose specific fields to upload.
- create a link between data sources.
- add the .csv fields to the correct configuration.
Read more about How to import a file to Print 2.0 using the File Import module.
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