sections in the article
This article explains how to set up Content Segmentation in inriver.
To set up content segmentation
Follow these steps to set up Content Segmentation:
- As a customer, contact inriver Support to request access to the Segments application in inriver Control Center. (Segments are available by default in partner environments).
When Content Segmentation is first activated, all entities are assigned to a Default segment.
- Go to inriver Control Center > User management > Segments, then click Add Segment to change the name of the Default segment and create new segments.
- Enter information in the Name and Description fields and click Save.
- Each segment will be assigned an ID (read-only field).
- In inriver Control Center > User Management > Users, assign users to roles if needed.
- Click Edit to change which segments the user's role will be applied to.
- Click the assigned role in the inriver Role field to select which segments to apply the role to, then click OK.
- Once you're done, click Save.
Content segmentation: Video tutorial
In the video below you can see how you create segments and assign users to roles within segments.
Good to know
- When Content Segmentation is first activated, all entities are assigned to a Default segment. As described, you can change the name of this segment and also create new segments.
- To be able to change or assign segments to entities, the permission ChangeEntitySegment has to be assigned to the User Role in inriver Control Center > User Management > Roles.
- As described, designated segments also have to be connected to the user. This is done in inriver Control Center > User Management > Users.
- The read-only column with segment ID is to make it easier to identify and assign a segment to entities.
Consider security in design when using an inbound data extension with Segments. Since backend extensions usually run as System with administrative permissions, be aware that the extension might return entity data that the user should not have access to.
Contact inriver for guidance if you have a requirement that needs this approach.
Hi Thomas,
This looks very straightorward but it doesn't address one critical issue - how are entity records mapped to a segment?
Hi Eric,
When you first activate Content Segmentation all entities will be assigned to a "Default" segment. You can change the name of this segment and also create other segments with other names. Then you can change segment on entities if you have the ChangeEntitySegment permission on your role. You can change segment through editing a single entity, mass update segment, use the Data Import or the APIs. I will do a separate article around this and include a video.
Thank you. That for sure is the missing key to the puzzle.
Thomas - when is this video coming? I fully agree with Eric that that is the missing key...
Even my Role holds the ChangeEntitySegment permisison, I see nowhere in the UI on a Product where I can assign the product to a segment. What am I missing...?
There is a general issue when you change the permissions on a role, it takes some time before it is applied. You can force this by removing the role and save the user with another role and then change back again.
You can see the video of how to update the segment on entities in this article:
It doesn't cover API operations but a number of things you can do in Enrich
Would be very nice to have the transcript for the video on the side. That way it's a lot easier to find a specific thing mentioned in the video.
Is it possible to set segments on resources as well?
We have users that should not have access to resources until they have reached a certain stage in the process.
Or is there an other way to not show resources until, lets say, a field goes from false to true?
Hi Jonathan Lipkin, Yes you can set segment on any entity including Resources /Thomas
Just to clarify.
It is possible to have users devided in 2 segements.
Access to all product,item & resouce entities, all viewable and editable.
Access to all product, item & resource entities, but can only view resources were a field is set to "true" on the resource?
Thank you in advance
Jonathan Lipkin
Hi Jonathan,
Segments have nothing to do with fields out-of-the-box.
This could be a setup:
Product and Items and 1/2 of the resources is in Segment 1
1/2 of the resources is in Segment 2
Admin can see both Segment 1 & 2
User can only see Segment 1
You could programmatically have an extension that looks at a field and then change segment on a resource through the API.
Thank you Thomas for quick answer.
All clear.
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