Importing values into a CVL (Controlled Vocabulary List)

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    Dany Raymond
    Conversation Starter

    The "Troubleshooting the Imported Values" isn't up to date with Key column character restrictions. It can accept spaces. See the

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    Dany Raymond
    Conversation Starter

    Google Spreadsheet users (exporting as xlsx): Many UI features seems to break the inRiver import (Fixed header, background colour, text orientation, format (including switching from auto to raw or the other way), true/false, .... Using the clear formatting doesn't seem to always work.

    So if you end up with an issue, try to create a new file without any style, copy your columns/data and paste them as raw in the new file.

    LibreOffice (exporting as xlsx): I could use formatting features and inRiver would import the file without an issue.



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