sections in the article
This article provides guidance in how to get the most value from the community Topic Product Q&A, and tips on how to post a great question that the Community can understand and help.
About the product Q&A community topic
The community topic Product Q&A aims to provide answers to users´ questions about the inriver solution in one seamless place.
Here, the community together will discuss and answer each other's questions. Ensuring we all learn from each other and empower us all to grow as inriver solution experts.
What types of questions in product Q&A
Here you can post everything around:
- How do I…
- Can I …
- What is …
Think font-end in web-portal and control center. Further, wondering about product-item relations and how to think around this? Then this is the place for you to ask your question.
Questions with a more technical nature you can post in the Developer Community.
Have a problem you cannot solve? Check out the community topic Problem Solving.
How to write a great question in product Q&A
Before you start writing your question, have you searched for it first? We continuously update and create new knowledge articles and the community contributes with new answers daily. So always start with searching.
Could not find an answer to your question by searching? Now it is time you read through:
For the Community to understand your question and give you a helpful answer, it is important that you give them a fair chance by being as detailed and clear as possible.
Here are some tips to create a great post:
- Title your post with a clear description of your question. Begin with "How to" "How do I" "What is" are good ways to capture readers' attention.
- Be specific about what you are trying to do and why.
- Which part of the product, is your question about. Is it about Completeness or are you in the Control Center? This helps the reader to understand better what you are asking about.
- Let us know what you've already tried. How have you tried to solve it? Where in the process did you run into problems?
- Break your question into different sections. To increase readability it is great to divide your description into sections.
- Include screenshots. Screenshots help the reader to get context and make it easier to follow along.
Inriver experts and community champions!
inriver Experts such as Support Team and Expert Services are active in this community topic as well as our inriver Champions, visit them here. Take the opportunity and ask the community and discover how we all can together help you.
Give back
To make this community the best it can be, we encourage you to give back to the community when you can to build collective learnings and empower each other!
Things to keep in mind:
- This forum is visible to inriver, Partners & Customers.
- Is your incident urgent? Click Get Help.
- Is your question only one sentence? You might want to provide a little more detail.
Further reading
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