sections in the article
This article explains how to rename media resources such as images and folders in the Content Store back end.
Note: Only users with an assigned administrator role can access the Content Store back end in the Web Portal.
File output naming
In the Web Portal > Content Store, it is possible to add a configuration for renaming resources and folders of zipped cart items in the section File output naming. The configuration only applies to content downloaded from Content Store.
You can use the file output naming configuration to configure the content of zipped cart items:
- Resources and folders can be renamed.
- The same resource can be given different names depending on which content store it belongs to.
- The same resource can also be given different names depending on how it was added to the cart, for example, if the resource itself was added or if it belongs to a product or item.
- The existing Content Store file naming convention can be overridden.
Note: Field types not supported in file output naming: LocaleString, DateTime, Multi-value CVL
To rename a file or folder
- Go to the Web Portal > Content Store > File output naming and click the Edit icon next to Configure file output naming.
- In the Edit pop-up, select an Entity type from the drop-down list.
- Click Add field type for either File name or Folder name.
- It's possible to create the file and folder output names at the same time.
- Select one field from the drop-down.
- Click Save to save your changes.
- Change Delimiter to desired character.
Note: The renamed files and folders are placed in the root folder, not under each product.
Filename and folder name logic
File and folder name are configured independently per entity type. For instance, when configuring an "Item" as per the image below, the exported ZIP will contain an "Approved" folder and inside it a file named e.g. "22855_WHITE.jpg".
Entity types that are not configured will use the default file and folder naming when exported.
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