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    Daniel Johnson

    Instead of following each article, I've found it much more efficient to follow individual authors.

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    Josse Gersen

    How is Community different from Service Center? Or is it just a new link?

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    Nicky Lilja

    Hi Josse Gersen, that´s a great question! 😃

    We see this renaming and added functions as the start of the inRiver Community. Our goal is to be able to connect the inRiver ecosystem and create digital meeting points that provides value for the members and builds meaningful relations. 

    So we just got started and if you have any ideas or feedback on what you would like to see or participate in here in the community let me know!  

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    Josse Gersen

    I see, thanks for clearing this up. I don't really have any ideas or suggestions. Curious to see how the community will develop. I've seen a lot of good product suggestions being mentioned by users of the last few years, but nothing was really used in a new version of inRiver. Some of the simplest things we have had our Developers work on and write scripts for in order to get something to work. So let's see what the future brings for the remarketing of this platform.

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    Nicky Lilja

    No worries, I love feedback and questions so keep on posting them 😊. 

    I don´t know if you have seen them before, but every month I publish a Community Highlight where I publish the statistics of the Product Ideas. How many have the tag likely to implement, considering etc. If you want those stats then check them out here. 

    Something we are also working on, but not yet 100% available yet is making Beta Programs easily accessible here in the Community. For members to sign up to test and provide feedback to new functionality before implemented. This will be another way of providing great product feedback in the making. When available you will find it here

    And yes, let´s see  what the future brings, and if there is anything missing and you want to provide feedback you know where to find me 😊.


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