sections in the article
This article explains how to use one or more CVL fields to search for entities in Contribute.
Read more about how to set up Contribute for your contributors in this article.
To filter out entities in inriver Contribute
- Go to the Web Portal > Supplier Onboarding > Contribute.
- In Include & Show Entities by CVL Fields, select an EntityType from the Entity types drop-down list to filter and display the entities that have one or more CVL values. You have the option to modify the filter by selecting one or more CVL fields.
- Once you are done, click Save.
Filtering using one CVL field
In the back end, an OR is placed between the selected CVL values if multiple values within the same CVL field are selected,
For example, you have a CVL list containing jackets with 20 different fields. However, you only want to display blue and red jackets in the Contribute portal. To make this work, you need to filter the jackets using the CVL field Color, selecting the values Blue and Red.
Filtering using multiple CVL fields
In the back end, an AND is placed between the selected CVL fields and an OR between the selected CVL values within each field if two or more CVL values are selected.
For example, you have a CVL list containing jackets with 20 different fields. You want to display blue and red jackets with the status new or in progress in the Contribute portal. To make this work, you need to filter the jackets using the CVL field Color, selecting the values Blue and Red, and the CVL field Status, selecting the values New and In progress.
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