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inriver Content Store is a powerful add-on capability to inriver that allows your retailers to download the latest version of your product information for any product in your assortment. You could even share resources for your products such as PDF files.
There are 2 common problems that happen when hosting PDF files for download on the inriver Content Store.
1. PDF files are not included in a .zip file even though they were selected before downloading.
2. PDF files that are supposed to be multi-page are downloaded only as single-page.
Both of these PDF related problems occur from an inapplicable resource configuration.
1. Visit the inriver Content Store configuration page from the inRiver Portal.
2. Make sure to select the correct inriver Content Store where you offer your PDF resources to retailers.
3. Under the Data Transfer Configuration section find the Resource format (Download) dropdown.
4. Here you want to select Original.
Original will allow your PDF files to be downloaded un-edited and is necessary for multi-page PDF files.
Note: If your PDF files consist of just a single-page, you have the option to modify the downloaded PDF files by running them through an image configuration. In this case, it is possible to select any of the other options from the resource configuration dropdown as long as there is a PDF extension to PDF outbound extension image configuration set up in the inriver Control Center for the selected resource configuration.
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