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This process is applicable for bug reports. See How to Use the Support Ticket Forms for more information.
We have updated our support processes based on feedback we have gotten from our Customers and Partners.
The purpose: for inriver to communicate in a faster and more transparent way regarding potential bug reports.
This means that when you are informed that a potential bug is identified, we will communicate to you:
- If the issue is a bug or not.
- If the bug are to be fixed within the near future or deferred; (saved in the backlog for when that part of the product is evaluated).
Why are we implementing this?
We announce this new process to:
- Reduce the waiting time for updates and information on bugs, which means faster response times for Customers and Partners.
- Set the right expectations early to increase trust and collaboration between inriver, Customers and Partners.
- Increase transparency about fixes for Customers and Partners.
What bugs will not be fixed within the near future?
What will not be fixed within the near future depends on our product strategy.
However, the message "this bug will not be prioritized within the near future" does not mean that we will never fix it. We will continue to revisit these bugs when we are improving/iterating that specific part of the product.
Thus, we are moving from solving one fix at a time to a more product area focused work. Your registered bug that is deferred will still be saved and visited when we work with that specific part of the product.
Does this mean that I should not report a potential bug?
Our more transparent and quicker communication about fixes does not mean that you should stop reporting them. Your input is extremely valuable to us! The core purpose is to ensure that you get a faster response from us about what will happen with the fix.
How will this new support process be implemented?
We will start to communicate the new process to partners.
Then we prioritize communication to the customers and partners that have already registered a confirmed bug with us. This means that if you have registered a bug with us, then you might soon get a message in your support ticket informing you that this is deferred thus not be fixed within the near future.
Lastly, we will incorporate this process on all new bug reports coming in.
What if I do not agree if my bug is deferred?
All our Customers and Partners issues are important to us, and will be evaluated equally from start. If your bug is deferred then we have deferred it after looking at does it follow our current product strategy and weight against other important fixes.
Still, it does not mean it will never be fixed but deferred to when we re-evaluate that specific area/function of the product.
However, you can still ask us to review the decision. More information about this will be provided in your ticket if this would be the case.
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