sections in the article
This articles explains how the multi-value search functionality is configured and used in Content Store. Multi-value search makes it possible to search for multiple values at the same time.
About multi-value search
The multi-value search functionality in Content Store is used to search for more than one value at the same time.
As a user, you might need to generate a catalog by inputting item numbers from a list and then add them to the basket for sorting and catalog generation, for example, numbers from a customer-agreement article-number list.
Note: To improve search performance, limit the number of entities included in your search.
To configure multi-value search (back end)
To perform a multi-value search in Content Store, you need to select a FieldTypeId to use when filtering.
Note: Only users with an assigned administrator role can access the Content Store back end in the Web Portal.
- To select a FieldTypeId, go to the Web Portal > Content Store > Data transfer configuration.
- In the For entity type drop-down list, select which Entity type to filter for.
- Specify a FieldTypeId in the MultiSearch field drop-down menu. The available FieldTypeIds vary depending on the entity type you have selected.
- Go to the Web Portal > Content Store > Settings and select Semicolon (;) from the CSV separator drop-down menu. A CSV separator is added automatically in the search field when pasting multiple values from a spreadsheet.
To search for multiple values (front end)
- Create a string containing values to search for in the query. This can be done in several ways:
- Type a semicolon-separated string of values in the Content Store search field;
- Copy a number of cells with values from a column in a spreadsheet (the separators will be added automatically when pasted), example:
- Upload a file in Content Store, containing the values you want to search for (the file has to be a .csv file, with separators included in it), example:
- In Content Store, enter your multi-value search string in the search field.
- To upload a file, click the Upload file icon to the left of the search field and follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure the file is of CSV format (use the same separators as defined in your Content Store settings).
- Press the return key or click the Search button to display the search result.
Verifying inriver Content Store query information
To ensure that the query you created filters out the correct data, keep the below instructions in mind.
- We recommend that you use semicolons to separate the string of search values. There should be no white spaces unless you want to search for values containing white spaces.
- End the full search string with the last query value, not with a CSV separator.
- There is no character-length restriction for each separate search value.
- Duplicated search values are allowed but not highlighted as duplicates in Content Store.
Modifying the search in inriver Content Store
You can add the server setting XCONNECT_QUICK_SEARCH_BEHAVIOR in Control Center and adjust it to modify the search field behavior in Content Store. The setting values are BeginsWith or Contains. If you haven't added the setting in Control Center, the default search behavior is Contains.
Read about managing server settings in this article.
Can someone share an example file for the CSV file to do Multi Search - I'm unable to get this functioning at all and receiving an error of
Yes, I'd like to know the same, please.
I would have expected a list of values to search but this does not seem correct.
It works, I get an excel file, but only with item or product data, not both... so it is useless.
Could the semicolon search be implemented in Contribute?
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