Release notes: April 6th - April 7th, 2024

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    Leen Serbruyns

    Hello, regarding 'It has now been implemented that users within Enrich can utilize the Query Editor to identify products not associated with a specific Channel. This enhancement allows users to search for and manage products based on Channel exclusions effectively.' I have encountered some issues:

    - when saving a query, the channel 'not equals' condition seems to change to 'equals'
    - when saving a query, the channel condition seems to not be applied when you run this saved query
    - when running a query with a channel 'not equals' condition, entities with an empty channel (hence: not linked to a channel yet) are not included in the results which is problematic to us. 

    Can you please provide me with feedback regarding if these issues will be looked into? 

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    Mark Stuart-Walker

    Keyboard shortcuts - a very welcome addition!

    I am a little surprised that the search button has not got a shortcut as this is the most frequent button that I use. Perhaps [Ctrl]+[S] can be used?

    Further, I suggest that the hover text for these buttons include the shortcut key. It will encourage adoption of this new feature.


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