Release notes: September 5th, 2023

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    Torbjorn Stavas
    Community Star
    Top Contributor
    First Responder

    Yes! Love the changes made for selecting entities and the context menu.
    Great work 👍

    // Torbjörn

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    Roy Eriksson
    inriver champion

    Great UX changes!

    I just created a feature request to also see the LinkTypeId where relevant.

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    Simon Turcotte

    With this update, the Entity cards in Enrich the are no longer highlighted when selecting them in the entity results panel.

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    Cindy Van De Water

    I completely agree with Simon. It is very confusing that now you cannot see in the left column which entity you are working in. If you have several entities below and need to make adjustments, it is very confusing to see. Is there a solution possible by highlighting the entity that is selected ?

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    Karin Björnbäck
    First Responder

    Hi Simon Turcotte & Cindy Van De Water
    We have realized this issue and will look into finding a solution for this so that you should be able to see which entity that is opened. The intention of the change was to not loose the selection that you have made when opening an entity, that we have gotten previous feedback about can be very annoying. Unfortunately we didn't realize that it would have the consequence that you cannot see in the work area what entity is opened. We will prioritize finding a solution for this!  

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    Terje Rätsepp

    Hi Karin Björnbäck, if we could get that feature back (seeing the entity in the left column while working on it) that would be great! Otherwise well done :) 

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    Karin Björnbäck
    First Responder

    Terje Rätsepp Absolutely! We are looking into it right now!

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    Karin Björnbäck
    First Responder

    Hi Simon Turcotte, Cindy Van De Water & Terje Rätsepp
    We have now corrected the issue with not seeing what entity is opened. The selected entity card is now showing with a blue layover so you should be able to see clearly what entity is opened:

    The open entity action has been separated from the selection of an entity, that is done on the checkbox and also shows a blue border around the card. 
    Hope you will like this! 

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    Cindy Van De Water

    Thank you very much. It's a lot better now.

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    Terje Rätsepp

    Hi Karin Björnbäck! Thank you for this quick solution, this is great!  


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